Yves Cartuyvels Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles

Yves Cartuyvels is Ordinary Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Saint-Louis University -Brussels, Belgium. He teaches a course of « Penal Law » (8 ECTS), « Introduction to Criminology » (3 ECTS), and « Seminars in « Theory of Law : orientation Criminology » (2 X 3 ECTS).

At the Saint-Louis University, Yves Cartuyvels is co-director of the “Interdisciplinary Seminar of Law Studies” (SIEJ), vice-director of the “Center for Sociological Studies” (CES) and president of the Interdisciplinary Research Network (RIS). He is also member of the Groupement Européen de Recherche sur les Normativités (GERN).

He has published and directed different books and Journal special issues on Penal Law, History of Penal Law and criminology, among which Surpopulation pénitentiaire et alternatives à la prison : enjeux et perspectives en Belgique (2017, with Ch. Guillain and Th. Slingeneyer, Introduction au droit pénal. Aspects juridiques et ciminologiques (2014), with F. Tulkens, M. van de Kerchove and Ch. Guillain; Soigner ou punir ? Une approche critique de la défense sociale en Belgique (2010), with A. Wyvekens and B. Champetier; The Criminalization of Youth. Juvenile Justice in Europe, Turkey and Canada (2010), with Fr. Bailleau.